New Year, new schedule, new.. me?

(disclaimer: this post was written last Friday 19th January. for technical reasons is being post only today)

It’s a snow Friday here in Copenhagen. I have a cup of coffee and a 55min timer going on. I discovered that I need boundaries (and a timer!) if I wanna to do MORE and better for myself. Also have a pastry reward for when I finish. Writing can be scary.

New year, new schedule
It’s my second Friday last week dedicated to personal projects. The goal: work 4 days/week for clients and have 1 day for my projects - like the fancy pants companies out there have been talking about.

Last year, right after writing my first post here, my life got SO insanely busy that when I finally stepped away from my desk, was November!!! No energy, lots pending on my to do list (more of wishful list at this point) and a good amount of (insert your own sad inside voice) disappointment.

What happened with my time?! How 4 months just disappeared and I basically “did nothing” (obviously I worked.. but not enough!! )

There were many roads to deal with that frustration… And I tried many… until I decided to stop avoid reality and be honest to myself: after all…
How much time I actually have? !?

Here comes a confession: I’m overly optimistic about my time - and time in general.
My mind says 5 min when others say 30min. Some people are not good with math, I’m not good with time estimative.
I truly believe I can/ should/need to do a LOT in a day. I can always squeeze something new, make time for one more client, help a friend, organise parties and also meet my deadlines AND also do all my personal projects… you can guess that seems unrealistic. What actually happens is that yes, I can do a lot! But not all of it. I constantly set my own ideas and projects aside, on a “later” pile. And in the end, this pile is THE work that I miss the most. The one that makes me feel “not good enough”.

Sabbatical time! No more clients for 6 months so I can dedicate to my own projects!!!
I feel like every time I have to think about time for my own projects, it can only happen on this magical moment that nothing else is going on. Also known as Never.
Once, I took 2 months break and got very little work done. Or, not half as much as I thought I could get done. So, the frustration came back right after. It’s a good thing to take a break - specially for the mind - but not gonna get personal work done from panic. Also, as freelancer, the fears of not having client ever again, can sneak up on you any time.

Anyway, after a big pity party week, I decided to act and make a new schedule. A real and honest one. One that is not nice and wishful but scary realistic. One that actually shows I arrive at 11am at the studio. That my emails don’t take 5min since I also answer msgs and post instagram etc. And stop the idea ilusion that “end of the day I do some personal project” because THAT never happened if I have a client work going on. So I had to set aside a day, a full day! Scary times.

I made this calendar in December. A bit before leave for the holidays. Right before my new client 5 months project brief arrived. I stared at it a LOT. Worried that would not be enough time for client work. Not enough time for my own project. Not enough to do ALL the things I want/should/need. I saved and when I got back to studio in January, I had to try. Because I also NEED a new work routine.

I’m happy to report that it’s week 3 and all is going smoothly. Deadlines are being meet. Personal book project is in progress. Classes are being attended and free time are being used with grace. And, I’m here, typing!!! using my personal work day. Already did some sketches and now Substack time!

It’s far from ideal but it’s beautifully functional. I’m not doing as much as I would like but I’m doing the most of what really matters to me. And most of all: feeling confident and enough at the end of each day. I’m definitely more present. <3

It’s still quite fragile balance. Next week, for instance, I have a couple of doctors appointments and a deadline for Wednesday. I could use today to work on my deadlines… but, as my schedule says, it’s my personal day. After lunch, I gave 1h to work a little, then decided that it’s actually under control. I’m now trusting the system. I’m a new professional! So proud of myself!

Discipline is Freedom.

Some notes about my schedule:
- At the end of the day I write myself the tasks for next day. Saving time not “wondering” what to do when I arrive. (even my Friday get some notes)
- I start using FocusTime for client work (55min focus + 5min break) I use the Bear on my phone ( I love how angry it looks when I pick up!)
- I stop watching series while drawing. I always said was not distracting but it was. Now I’m making my monthly music playlist and listening to podcasts + audiobooks.
- I’m taking seriously the time to STOP and go home. My mind is healthier. It’s less energy rollercoaster. Less exciting but more productive.
- At first I wrote everything I was doing by hour in a random piece of paper to see if it was working. I discovered 30min was too short for focus timer for instance. Some days I have extra hour time. I noticed I can’t do more than 5h focus work per day.
Usually is 3h-4h. And I leave the studio feeling like I worked a lot! It was surprising.
- I’m now using Notion more and for real. Really helps me visualise and control better.
- I made a goal of 3 personal projects this year. 1 every quarter. Being the last one the biggest that I just wanna get it started. I can’t wait to come here and share all about it.
——- BF night means Boyfriend night - means the nights we can count on each other being at home and we can either have a silly date or catch up with big things etc)

What I am working right now

It’s just 2 things basically. Really sounds like NOTHING but it’s also, just enough that I can manage right now and feel good about myself.

- A fun sticker book with the most amazing client. It has a little over 32 pages and hundred of stickers. I love all about it - it’s about animals!(from Jan - July)
- My own book project. It’s kinda simple 20 pages booklet but it’s fully personal. It’s the kind of playful book I wish I had when I was a child. It’s about numbers and not really. More to come ;)

I wanna do more with substack. And Instagram. And update my shop. And exercise. And… and… and ….. yeah.

One step at the time. Breathing between each step.

55min time off! Thanks so much for reading.
Can’t wait to be here again next month!

Bonus Illustration time:
So you can remember I’m also an illustrator and not time adviser haha :D

This was a commission for WHSMITH Secret Gardens Calendar 2024.
(I’m waiting mine to leave Denmark customs since forever zzzz- oh Brexit! )

I sketched all in pencil and actually sent this way to the client: who loved it! Be brave kids!

Thanks for spending some of your time with my thoughts. Hope something inspires you.

Have a nice rest of the month!

And remember to have fun! :)

xxo Malu


Illustrator and Cute maker

Studio Update: January24


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